ECITB Confined Space Low Risk

This course is intended to develop the skills required to work in a low risk confined space
Who is this course for?
This course is designed for entering and working in a low risk environment with adequate natural or mechanical ventilation, the access appears simple and unobstructed and there is no likely risk of flooding (for example meter pits, valve chambers; stairwells). Low Risk confined spaces could be associated with lone working requiring the application of appropriate procedures.
Course outline:
- Awareness of working in a confined space
- Legislation requirements for confined spaces
- Documentation and safe system of work associated with confined spaces
- Hazards and risks which may be encountered whilst working in a confined space
- Categories of confined spaces
- PPE requirements
- Tools and equipment
- Methods of communication
- Roles and responsibilities
- Monitoring of confined space
- Reporting measures
- Emergency procedures
- Practical demonstration and exercises of entering a simulated low risk confined space
Course Duration:
One Day
£200 + VAT per person
Please Note:
* Organisations associated with ECITB may be eligible to apply for grant funding
* This course must have 4 delegates to run. Maximum of 8 people per course
* With Sufficient numbers, this can be run upon request at a client’s premises, at times and dates to suit client