ECITB Manual Handling

This manual handling course has been designed with the core aim of providing people with the basic knowledge and skills to deal with manual handling safely.
Who is this course for?
This course is intended to develop the skills required to safely carry out both individual and team manual handling tasks.
Course outline:
- Health and Safety Legislation and regulations relating to manual handling
- What constitutes manual handling
- Individual manual handling techniques
- Team manual handling techniques
- Demonstrate manual handling techniques
- Hazards and risks associated with manual handling
- Practical assessment of individual and team lifts
Course Duration:
1 Day
£200 + VAT per person
Please Note:
* Organisations associated with ECITB may be eligible to apply for grant funding
* This course must have 4 delegates to run. Maximum of 8 people per course
* With Sufficient numbers, this can be run upon request at a client’s premises, at times and dates to suit client