ECITB Working at Height

This course is intended to develop the skills required to work safely at height.
Who is this course for?
Course attendees will gain broad-based training in the basic skills and techniques of working at heights to national standards.
Course outline:
- Legislation requirements for working at height
- Hazards and risks associated with working at height
- Safe systems of work
- Different types of harness, fall arrest equipment, and fall protection equipment
- Safe use of tools at height
- Storage of working at height equipment
- Pre and post use checks
- Practical exercises for hazard spotting and access and egress off a platform at height
Course Duration:
One Day
£200 + VAT per person
Please Note:
* Organisations associated with ECITB may be eligible to apply for grant funding
* This course must have 4 delegates to run. Maximum of 8 people per course
* With Sufficient numbers, this can be run upon request at a client’s premises, at times and dates to suit client