Safe use of Centre Lathes 2 days

This course is intended to develop the skills required to work safely with centre lathes
By the end of the course, delegates will have had instruction in the safe use of centre lathes and their appropriate tools/cutters and basic techniques using them to manufacture simple components.
A certificate of attendance and competency will be given to those completing the course successfully.
Course outline:
• Health & Safety – Machine & Personnel (PPE, Guarding)
• Danger of Rotating Machinery
• Introduction to, and use of machine
• Headstock / Tailstock Alignment
• Reading drawings
• Measuring tools and their limitations
• Cutting speeds and feeds – different materials
• Workingf from datums
• Controlling the cut (rough and finish)
• Range of machining operations
• Workholding – 3 and 4 jaw chucks
• Introduction to and the use of tools
• Tool care and tool mounting to centre height
• Threading with taps and die stocks
• Surface finishes
• Exercises / Tutor demonstration if required
Course Duration:
Two Days
£1000 + VAT per person
Please Note:
* With Sufficient numbers, this can be run upon request at a client’s premises, at times and dates to suit client