Coronavirus (Covid-19) Update for all Students&Employers
Please see below the updated guidance that is being sent out to all apprentices, we hope you will support us with implementing this.
On Sunday 2 January 2022, the government announced additional temporary measures for schools and Colleges to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission whilst on site. In line with the latest guidance therefore from the start of term, all learners will be expected to wear a face-covering whilst moving around College, in communal areas and in classrooms, unless exempt. Please contact Mike Brown if exempt and you will be expected to provide your own facemask.
Testing remains important in reducing the risk of transmission of infection and our policy states that we require all staff and learners to take a Lateral Flow Test prior to returning to College (ideally the morning or night before), twice per week thereafter for full-time learners and once a week for day release apprentices. Results are to be reported to NHS Test and Trace either online or by phone and via the College SharePoint. (Link Below)
Virtual Learning Environment – Home (
Lateral Flow Testing kits can be collected from reception.
On your arrival to site, you will be asked to wear your mask, show evidence of a negative lateral flow test, and sanitise your hands.
If you are not able to provide evidence of a recent Lateral Flow Test (LFT ) you will be issued one to take prior to attending lessons.
We have introduced temporarily staggered start times which are required to manage this process, please see below:
Full-Time Apprentices-8:00 am
Day Release Apprentices-8:30 am
Traineeships-9:00 am
ITEC / Schools-9:30am
Lessons should start within 30 mins of arrival.
We feel that these measures are reasonable and practicable to keeping our staff, learners and visitors safe during these times and ask that you adhere to this. If you do have any issues with testing arrangements please let us know prior to attending site. Permission will be sought for anyone under the age of 18.
Learners who receive a positive Lateral Flow Test result should self-isolate in line with the stay at home guidance for households with possible or confirmed Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and arrange to have a PCR test (click here to book a test) to check if they have COVID-19. Further guidance is to be released around no longer needing a follow-up PCR if you have no symptoms from 11th January 2022.
Learners should not attend College if they have COVID-19 symptoms and self-isolate pending the results from a PCR test. If the result is negative the learner may return to College.
Learners who are fully vaccinated or aged under 18 years and 6 months and live in the same household as someone with COVID-19 are not required to self-isolate. However, they are required to take a Lateral Flow Test every day for 7 days, and to self-isolate, if any of these test results are positive.
Learners who are aged 18 years 6 months or over and are not fully vaccinated and live in the same household as someone with COVID-19 are legally required to stay at home and self-isolate.
Remote Delivery
We are expecting January 2022 to be a difficult time for staffing and learners isolating and at times may need to revert to a blended learning package, which may require you to work from home/workplace. Can I ask that you keep an eye on your emails daily for updates for full-time learners and check them prior to attending for day release.
Keeping you safe
We have taken into the account the latest government guidance and the following measures are in place:
- Promotion to learners, staff and visitors regarding frequent and thorough hand cleaning
- Sanitising stations available throughout the building
- Appropriate ventilation in place
- Enhanced cleaning schedules
- Face coverings are compulsory whilst moving around College, in communal areas and in classrooms, unless exempt
Moving forward we will communicate any changes to the above guidelines. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.