Fork Lift Truck – Counterbalance

This RTITB ForkLift Counterbalance Course, will include theory instruction and assessment followed by practical operator training and assessment which will comply with the standard laid down in accordance with the HSE code of practice L117.
Who is the course for?
Novice – Designed for those with no prior experience of forklift truck operation who wish to achieve a nationally recognized operator qualification in the safe and correct use of counterbalance forklift up to a 5000 kg lifting capacity.
Intermediate – Operator will have some previous experience (possibly self taught) and will be familiar with the steering and operating characteristics of a counterbalance fork truck but will not have had the benefit of adequate, formal training in basic operating skills. However, they wish to gain a formal, nationally recognised qualification in the safe use of Counterbalance Forklift Trucks.
Refresher – Aimed at personnel who are currently formally trained and have R.T.I.T.B certification or equivalent to operate counterbalance forklift trucks up to 5000kg and who wish to refresh and reaffirm their driving skills.
Course outline:
The content of the course will cover how to deal with the following:
- Pre-use inspection and take over maintenance
- Controls and instruments
- Weight assessment
- Starting, moving and stopping the truck
- Handling laden and unladen pallets
- Operation of hydraulic controls
- Stacking/de-stacking – free standing and in racking
- Safety code testing
Course Duration:
Novice: 5 days | Intermediate: 2-3 days | Refresher 1 day
Price on Request