Banging the drum for Mental Health

 Our team kick-started the month, celebrating Mental Health Awareness Week (08th–12th) and raising awareness of key mental health problems that affect 1 in 4 adults each year, including depression, stress, anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Mental Health Awareness Week was abuzz with activities, from a team questionnaire on Mental Health and Stigma, to a round-table discussion in the Engineering College’s quarterly Learner Council with key student representatives, and a coffee morning for employees to join together tackle the stigma attached to mental health.

Across the UK, there were 450 events and over 35,000 shares of media coverage for Mental Health across BBC, Sky, Channel 5 and ITN.

Key Facts:

  • 1 in 4 adults suffer with mental health issues each year
  • 1 in 10 children suffer with mental health issues each year
  • 90% of people with a mental health issue will experience a stigma against them
  • The majority of people suffering with a mental health issue will wait a year before telling a loved one / friend
  • Depression is 60% more likely in ethnic minority groups than in the white population
  • 57% of young people with a mental health issue say that fear of a stigma has stopped them from applying for jobs

The Engineering College can provide impartial support and advice for all students and employees, suffering with Mental Health problems.

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