
Drink Less, Enjoy More

DrinkLessEnjoyMore (DLEM) increases awareness of the law that it is illegal to serve someone who is clearly drunk and it is illegal to buy a drink for someone who is clearly drunk.

DrinkLessEnjoyMore increases awareness of the law that it is illegal to serve someone who is clearly drunk and it is illegal to buy a drink for someone who is clearly drunk.

What does this mean for you?

If you are clearly drunk, you could be refused service at a bar or club, and if you buy someone a drink who is clearly drunk, you personally could be fined £1000.

Police are actively enforcing these laws and will be providing extra patrols across Merseyside and Cheshire.

Don’t let a good night go to waste; drink less enjoy more

DLEM targets 18-30 year olds with a particular focus on students.

More Information can be found at

  • Like www.facebook.com/drinklessenjoymore
  • Follow @drinkless_Enjoy
  • Visit www.drinklessenjoymore.co.uk