Will you try Stoptober?

This October, Stoptober – the 28 day stop smoking challenge from Public Health England, is back for the sixth consecutive year – and it’s bigger than ever!


In 2016, the Stoptober campaign saw 1,195 smokers in Wirral alone sign up to the campaign to quite smoking for the month of October, in a bid to quit smoking all together. But one in five Wirral residents still smoke.

It’s not too late to join the Stoptober Campaign!

There are lots of ways to quit and Stoptober can help you choose the right methods for you – from nicotine replacement therapies (gums and patches) to e-cigarettes.

Now is the time

Quitting success rates are at their highest level on record. By quitting for October, you are more likely to give up smoking all together and become one of 11.5 million ex smokers in the England.

Smoking Kills

  • Smoking kills 79,000 people in England alone every year.
  • For every death, another 20 people are suffering with a smoking-related disease.


For expert face-to-face advice from ABL Wirral,:

  • Call 0151 541 5656
  • Text ABL to 60777
  • Email wiccg.ablwirral@nhs.net
  • Visit www.ablwirral.co.uk

Get Involved

You can find tips and advice on www.nhs.uk/oneyou/stoptober/home

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